
Showing posts from 2015

10 Most Incredible Beautiful things about Indian Girls..

Every woman is beautiful, every girl is the best creation of god. She is emotional yet she thinks from her mind ;she is fragile yet very strong. This world would have been very bleak without any glamour and passion if this species wouldn’t exist.I can’t say who is beautiful or who is not, but i want to say something about us, about Indian girls.Yes, we are stupid, crazy, gullible, too emotional to handle, super dramatic, innocent but we are the most amazing beautiful girls in this world. Today we are no  lesser than anyone, we are excelling in every field, we are scientists, doctors, astronauts, CA, CS, lawyers, engineers and superseding in every field, but still we possess some of the greatest qualities which are instilled in us since birth. Someone has rightly said-''If you want to get a life long unconditional commitment ,marry an Indian girl, she will tell you that how can you keep the relationships lasts longer for ever and ever without asking anything in return exc

There is so much joy in “Not giving up”

Yes! I Never “give up”, i don’t believe in giving up. These two words(give up) contains the fire which burns me,which irritates my eyes; my eyes doesn’t even want to see these words ; i don't want to execute it in my entire life. ‘Giving up ‘ is for those people who are scared of life, they don’t consider life as a game, they take life way too seriously; There is a real joy in ‘not giving up’. When you don’t give up and lose the situation, don’t get disheartened, as i told you, it is a game, so just enjoy the game even if you lose it, just think, at least you have tried ,given your best and did the best you can, rest is up to the destiny and god, so don’t bother. Some people are not strong enough to face the challenges in life, they either take their life or make their life not worth living, they drag it to the end and make life miserable for themselves and for the others. We should enjoy each and every phase of life. Life is so beautiful ,so never give up and enjoy every bit of

Is india really secular?

We live in world’s largest democracy, where we have 29 states, 7 union territories , more than 1000 languages, so many religious and ethnic groups, it has a diverse and vibrant culture. India is a piece of land which doesn’t need any introduction. We have the largest written constitution in the world, in which its preamble states that –   “We, The people of india, having solemnly resolved to constitute india into a Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic and to secure to all its citizens Justice Liberty ,Equality and Fraternity’ , preamble represents the intention of the people who made this holy constitution. I am snatching the word from the above and i want to discuss the term secular and secularism.Sometimes i wonder ,are we actually reaching to what the makers of the constitution had in their mind while thinking of the New and a developed India?. They were far better thinkers and well wishers of india as compared to us. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru has seen the india that, i

Because i know...

Everyone is sensitive deep inside,everyone weeps ,whenever someone cries in front of me, i   try to wipe their tears and tries to hug them so tightly,than for that one moment they would forget all their sorrows and would feel the warmth in my arms,   because i know   the value of your tears; because i know how people pretend to be sad in yours sadness,when they actually don’t know what pain you’re passing through;   because i know   how people are so selfish and tries to harm you in your emotional crisis, i would never do that,i can never think of it, because i know   the depth of it . Gifts are important to make relationships alive ,everyone feels happy and cheerful by getting gifts, but i am telling you, my one passionate kiss, a hug and warm supporting hand would be more than a gift, because i know , material things can only give you momentary happiness but this little gesture will make people feel wonderful which is more than anything, that would be the best gift that you can

Equality and Justice are my two favorite words.

My Astrological sign is libra and i am a true LIBRAN and i am proud to be. The scales in my sign represents justice and equality, everything should be fair and square. I feel like that even i also have a black cloth draped around my eyes like the ‘justice lady’, i just can’t see who is standing in front of my eyes, i just stand with the person who is right and just. I can’t support the wrong people even if they are the people without them i just can’t live, even if they are the people whom i love the most, if they are wrong, they are wrong and they should be punished for the wrong deeds they do, no mercy. If i commit a mistake and someone slaps me right on my face i can tolerate that; if someone becomes stubborn and is not listening to me i can tolerate that; if someone disrespects me, abuses me i can tolerate and i can forgive people; if someone doesn’t love me and make me feel unwanted and demeaned i can tolerate, BUT one thing is which is intolerable at any cost    is injustice

My Nine Identities

People generally classify themselves into two imaginary self, the first one is DEVIL,who is an evil and another one is ANGEL, who is the nicest of all, but, two days before i classified my inner self into ‘NINE’ images or NINE chicas who lives within me ,who comes along with the events which take place in my life everyday and they keep on messing up in my head.They sometimes sit beside me, sometimes provoke me, sometimes laugh with or at me, sometimes annoy me more and more. I find these are the nine   avatars   of   Durga Maata , after all in our religion women is defined as goddess .These different    girls comes occasionally to tell me that there is so much inside my soul, so much to explore, so much to interpret. Today i am defining my all the “self” or you can say my “seven different actors’ who do cameo in the movie of my life every now and then. At one moment, there is a girl who is like a wild wolf ,who feels like destroying everything in anger, on the other, i have that wom

My Dreams of Positivity

We all have dreams , I have a dream of becoming a successful person in whichever field i step in , i have a dream of traveling the whole world alone, i have a dream of becoming a famous person. With all these casual and “everybody has these kind of” dreams ,i have a superlative dream of becoming a “positive person”, a person who always wears a smile no matter what evil people say about him , who always have a good kind words mixed in his saliva, who smiles no matter how many problems are hanging on his head, who always takes out something positive from every negative situation and his presence fills the whole room with the fragrance of positivity and endurance. Though , Right now i am not a very positive person, but ,recently i realized the importance of positivity. How it is so important to have a good and a quality life with inner contentment. It is easy to earn money, easy to get food, clothes, but, everyone is not blessed with a life of peace and contentment. Food, clothing a

"Behind Every Successful Person....There is a MOTHER"

(Though there are numerous articles on mothers, it is not a novel topic, BUT, today i am writing about “MY MOTHER”.Every mother is special, I adore all the mothers, all are so beautiful.I respect every mother and may god bless all of them.I wish and pray to god that all the mothers would remain healthy and happy and no child should be deprived of this 'holy and sacred love'. We are so blessed that god has given us mothers, ask those children who have never ever seen their mothers or lost their mothers,they don’t know what a mother is?, what’s her love feels like?. Thank you so much GOD for giving me my mother,I love you for that, she is the greatest blessing to me.) She is a bundle of emotions,sometimes she cries on petty things like an infant; Sometimes she laughs like a 'laughing Buddha' ;Sometimes she frowns like a 5 year old; Sometimes she is unable to express her emotions, I can see that helplessness on her face,I can see that innocence, and i smile

"SUICIDE- An unheard tale from inside the heart"

SUICIDE -   “killing oneself ”. Life is so precious, only the opportune gets a life of a human being, it is a treasure, we should nurture it ,we should take the best out of it, we are the only creatures who can talk, laugh, smile and can do work, but, some people don’t realize its importance then they  kill themselves and paint their hands with the red color, they take their own life, they take their life which is supposed to be taken by god.HOW AND WHY!!?. As i have recently heard that india is one of the most depressed countries in the world, it is not a shocker for me, if statistics are to be believed then estimated two lakh people commit suicide every year in india.Sometimes i wonder what it takes a person to play with his own life.In general, when even a small needle pinches us, we take our hands back out of stimulation, when someone hits us, we hit them back in self defense, human is so selfish that they love themselves more than anybody else in this world, they can’t let anyt