Equality and Justice are my two favorite words.

My Astrological sign is libra and i am a true LIBRAN and i am proud to be. The scales in my sign represents justice and equality, everything should be fair and square. I feel like that even i also have a black cloth draped around my eyes like the ‘justice lady’, i just can’t see who is standing in front of my eyes, i just stand with the person who is right and just. I can’t support the wrong people even if they are the people without them i just can’t live, even if they are the people whom i love the most, if they are wrong, they are wrong and they should be punished for the wrong deeds they do, no mercy.
If i commit a mistake and someone slaps me right on my face i can tolerate that; if someone becomes stubborn and is not listening to me i can tolerate that; if someone disrespects me, abuses me i can tolerate and i can forgive people; if someone doesn’t love me and make me feel unwanted and demeaned i can tolerate, BUT one thing is which is intolerable at any cost  is injustice and inequality, I loathe these words from the every core of my heart, it is something that i can’t stand by it. Whenever i see this word executed somewhere, i feel the lava spreads in my veins, it boils me up.


I just don’t care be it a father, mother, brother, sister, friend and even if it is I, whoever is doing bad deeds or they are unjust and hurting people, i think they all deserve a punishment, how can they hurt others?. So whoever is promoting this word deserves a tight slap on the face, and that should be remembered. Torturing someone, not letting someone live a good and a peaceful life and always makes this beautiful earth a hell for some people is not good. Breaking someone’s heart and breaking someone totally is not good. Justice should be there in every corner of the society. It should be seen everywhere.

 Article 21 of the constitution, this is my favourite article, ‘Right to life and personal liberty’, not only right to live but also live with dignity and respect but most importantly with justice. Everyone should get justice, no one shall be deprived of this heavenly word, this is also what our constitution states, but this sacred documents are also misinterpreted like the other holy books and very few fortunate people get a chance to taste the wonderof this word.
Whenever any injustice happens in front of my eyes, my eyes can’t take it and i get so aggressive , but people sometimes say that ‘be a girl , you should be calm and composed’, i just want to ask them that how can i see this evil and not speak against it?.Whatever people might say about me i just don’t care, People can see it but i can’t shut my eyes and let something bad happened to innocent people and lives.

I have seen the cases of domestic violence, heard of dowry deaths , honour killings etc and feel like shaking those people and want to insert a CD in their minds of good and kind words and want to make them understand that these are nothing ,you should not do this and if they can’t stop it then they would be given the doze of a medicine called justice.


Equality before the law and equal protection of the laws (Article 14 of the constitution of India )
Equality should not be only in terms of employment but for everything. As a woman i am not saying that we should be given princely treatment or special privileges (except in case of pregnancy and old age), everyone is equal in every avenue ,be it education or getting a seat in metro or everywhere. Everyone is human, no one is upper caste or lower caste. We , as a society made this castes and senseless belief and rituals. Why to make a difference between son daughter; husband wife; girl boy;  Why people don’t understand our preamble also promotes this. Everyone is equal
I love equality and i totally disregard inequality. This is all law but firstly as a human we have to give it a thought that think twice, we all are humans, we all feel, we all breathe and we all re made up of emotions. We should stop doing injustice , we should accept that all the creatures equal, we have to remove this demarcation from our minds and we should be see every human as equals and everyone deserves to be treated with love. These two clearly are my favourite words, most favourite, i feel like giving it to my children someday. Every child since childhood should know the importance of these words. They should be taught the lesson of kindness, love, about humanity, about compassion, only then we can make our world a far better place than today.


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