There is so much joy in “Not giving up”

Yes! I Never “give up”, i don’t believe in giving up. These two words(give up) contains the fire which burns me,which irritates my eyes; my eyes doesn’t even want to see these words ; i don't want to execute it in my entire life. ‘Giving up ‘ is for those people who are scared of life, they don’t consider life as a game, they take life way too seriously; There is a real joy in ‘not giving up’. When you don’t give up and lose the situation, don’t get disheartened, as i told you, it is a game, so just enjoy the game even if you lose it, just think, at least you have tried ,given your best and did the best you can, rest is up to the destiny and god, so don’t bother. Some people are not strong enough to face the challenges in life, they either take their life or make their life not worth living, they drag it to the end and make life miserable for themselves and for the others. We should enjoy each and every phase of life. Life is so beautiful ,so never give up and enjoy every bit of it.

I just don’t understand why people give up on beautiful relations, if Hiroshima and Nagasaki can be rebuilt so incredibly after such a huge disaster , why can’t a beautiful relationship be built again?.It just need two good people to understand that time and circumstances never remains the same. Human body is made up of human emotions, it only fluctuates , never remains the same, everything changes ;As we know there is a quotation “Nothing is permanent except change”. We can never get a perfect person or relation, we have to make it perfect with our efforts. Yes i agree, sometimes situation comes like that you are left with no other option but to give up, but giving up should be bagged with efforts and giving your 100% before giving up. Every relationship has a different traits and every person is different. It is all about the celebrating the individual differences.

I just don’t care what circumstances i go through, how hard the situation was, is or i will face in the future, i just do one thing; i become my own teacher and try to teach myself like this- one more bad day has gone from the my journey of my life, just feel light, now the good things will come again and life will show me something better and bigger, it will make me a better person than yesterday. Earlier i used to cry on petty things ,but now i have come out as a much stronger person and i thank god for making me face such difficult circumstances and situations in which i felt so devastating and from those terrible circumstances i learnt the art of “not giving up”.I just make my head up and fight for right.I consider myself as a fighter.

Now a days I just use sense of humor as a defense mechanism, when i am in a trouble or confronts the circumstances that are so hard to deal with ,though it hurts when i joke about it, but i escape from it, it is the best way of escapism. Sometimes i feel i have turned like the character of  boman irani from munna bhai M.B.B.S , who laughs no matter how tough situation comes along. It makes me feel so positive. I Laugh ,i cry, i crack jokes but i never give up and i am so proud of myself.

Giving up is not for me, but it is for the people and circumstances who deals with me,they can give up on me, but i can never give up on anyone and on any situation. Giving up doesn’t define my personality. So people i just want to say, NEVER GIVE UP , keep trying, there is lot of happiness and joy in not giving up , trust me, try once and see the difference and make the difference.


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