Marry, only if you love......

MARRIAGE is beautiful, BUT some people consider it as a life imprisonment and some might consider it as a cage which abridges their freedom,and it is natural that their liberty gets hampered, You have to change yourself even if you don’t want to, you have to get adjust to the things which you might not like, you have to share everything, your decisions will no longer be ONLY yours, you will be in a cluster of responsibilities, then you will have kids, more responsibilities and it will go on and on and on, never ending headache of your life, isn't it?(though I am unmarried ,but this is the piece of my observations).We all know commitment is tough, but we can look into the positive aspects of marriage and commitment which i felt.Firstly, marriage is not only about two souls getting together to enjoy the rest of their lives together, it is much beyond that, in young age we can live alone and we can have fun, but, as you grow older, you might face some emotional and physical turmoil in your life, it is difficult to live alone and you always need someone to talk your things with, you will come in an age where your kids and everyone will get busy in their lives , no one will be around to ask you about anything, the only person would be with you would be your better half, no matter what storms and earthquakes will come in the journey of your life, she/he will never leave your hand (of course there are exceptions), BUT, Indians has made it in an other way round, they don’t understand its concept, it is not a Ritual,it is not a Custom, neither it’s a Culture, actually it is something from which you can legalize your love, it should take place when you are actually in love, when you actually want to live with someone, not out of force but with intense love, it is all about sacrificing things for each other(applicable to both the sexes),and respecting each other, but, most of the Indians don’t feel in this way, they feel that marriage is just like blowing the hammer on their heads,Isn't it beautiful that there is always someone who prays for your well being, who takes care of you, whether you have eaten anything or not, whether you are fine or not?. Marriage is not about getting scared from each other, it is more like "best friendship", sharing and caring.I have seen the instances where old couples are so in love with each other that even laila majnu, heer ranjha are failed in front of their love and dedication, you should ask them if you feel marriage is not a good option.I feel that there are certain things which every parent should teach and they should know before indulging their children into a forceful relationship.

Compromise should not be before marriage , it should be after it.If you don’t want to marry a particular person no need to compromise for anybody, you have to live with that person throughout your life, your parents and society will not going to come and wipe your tears in case when you will be unhappy in your relationship, But if needed ,compromise should be done after marriage if it is for the good health of your relationship, you are doing it to make your partner happy and you are getting the appreciation for doing so.Compromises are good but not at the cost of your happiness and life.

Getting rotten and distressed in a marriage is a bygone topic now, Indians are too emotional to handle anything.They remain in a heinous horrible and abusive relationship even after not getting emotional/ physical love satisfactorily (recent case of AIIMS doctor Mrs, Priya Vedi), it happens , because they get attached too much, that they can’t see their own happiness, Others happiness becomes more important for them..It is completely alright if you are not happy in a marriage, after all life is not about bed of roses always, there are thorns, sometimes it gives you bearable pain,but sometimes it tries to take your life, you can come out of it, you are not an evil human and you deserve all the happiness in this beautiful life, it is just that things did not work out for the two beautiful people.They are not meant to be with each other.

Nothing immoral in divorce, Divorce is such a taboo in an Indian society, if you are getting divorced means you have some intense real life issues in this incredible india, you’re not at all adjustable, you are not a good human being, people will see you as a celebrity whose scandal has just come out in the public it will become the matter of fun and become the talk of the town. BUT it is not like that, if you are not happy with any person , you can leave him/her and re-start your life again and do the things which you really like. Sometime two good people can’t contribute to a good relationship. Not a big deal.

There is no “such age” to get married , it is okay if you not even married at the age of 30, if you are happy being alone, it should be your choice (refer my article that why marriage isn't a choice).You can make your career and live the life the way you want before getting married and then after getting settled emotionally and financially you can get married whenever you like.This should be the criteria.

Suicide is NEVER a solution If you are unhappy and distressed in a relationship , suicide is never an option, everyone loves you, world is too big , you may find someone who will love you so much and will listen to your worries and problems, if you got one or two evil people in your life  that does not mean you are not of worthy for loving.There are numerous people who wants you, who needs you, Just pause and think about your parents and friends and other people you will going to meet in your life.They will make you feel like never before. Trust me , have patience, life has so many pleasant things to offer.Just wait and watch.

In last, i just want to conclude that marriage and relationships does not have any guidelines, particular rules and regulations so that you can execute, neither it is same as others, just listen to the conscience  and understand it, don’t do it because you have to.Do it because you really want to.DO IT BECAUSE YOU LOVE.


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