“Existential Realization” – A view opposed to existential Crisis

One day at midnight, I was mindlessly sitting and reading stories about people and how their lives were going on Instagram and Facebook (which apparently shouldn’t be my concern at all). I was scrolling down the posts as if something was wrong with my finger as it was refusing to stop. I was looking at happy faces, big lavish lifestyles, ads (of the things I like) in between, holidays and many other things which were triggering me. And suddenly, I realised that what have we done to our lives? Are we all going insane? All we have is a "show and show off" attitude. With this, we are digging our mental grave so deep that it is now extremely difficult to come out of that mud. We are undoubtedly putting ourselves in a crisis without realising that it is killing our invaluable feeling of "existence". After making life a total mess, we find solutions to clean it up. We manipulate our own emotions and then try to convince our hearts with various techniques, and then try to play with our innocent hearts too!
Then my thoughts went beyond reel to reality. Then I felt, why do we love and attach to people when they will leave us one day? People find their purpose in jobs, partners, material things, and also in things we can’t achieve. We also set unrealistic expectations, break hearts, trust, and refuse to admit mistakes. People say you should be in touch with people because you never know when you will be in need of that person. But I have observed sharply that sometimes people have innumerable friends, but I find them the loneliest, and people with no friends are the happiest. People and family give advice to be in touch with toxic family and friends because they think that they provide security and affection. Then I realized, instead of helping, they always broke my heart more than they made me feel alive, happy, and secure. Our minds are conditioned in such a way that some things are extremely important for survival. I was wondering if the first humans were ever in need of all this or if they died peacefully without human toxicity.
I started to realise the importance of my existence when I began to have fun with food, cut down on the unnecessary connections, which gave me a sense of relief, refused to have emotional bondage with toxic people, no explanations, not comparing my life with the ones on Instagram, not getting envious of anyone’s success. I started enjoying my own "existential realization." This is all I gained when I started trusting my intuitions, energies, and my analytical approach towards people and situations. I thought, what is more important than being alive? Then I wondered, is anyone in this world that important so they possess the ability to put your entire happiness on their fragile shoulders? The purpose of existence is not to find a purpose, it’s just to enjoy "the feeling" that you’re capable of doing anything; you can walk, you can smile, you can express, you can breathe, and you can have all the wonders in life if you sort your mind. I've never been happier than when I realised I was living my life incorrectly and still had time to fix it.
I was looking at my hands, legs, body, eyes, and nose and I realized, I’m young, I'm not diagnosed with any disease, I am free. I realised that this wouldn’t ever come back. This realisation fed my spirituality, and I realised how lucky I am that I realised all this so early in my life. I lost interest in my favourite things; bags, lipsticks, and all other material things; but at the same time, I was happy. I don’t know why I felt happy. I felt I was on the path of spirituality. 

I realised how unimportant these things are. I don’t need these things to be happy. I started analysing the energies of people around me and I trusted them. I realised the wrong patterns I had been following all these years. I felt I almost cried in every relationship I ever had, be it friends or family. I realised that if I didn’t give myself emotionally to anyone, I felt liberated for a moment. I felt so free by not having this attachment anymore and I pray to God that this continues. I identified certain factors in my life to work upon. I am working every day to make myself a better person. Though I realised a lot, it’s very difficult to change the mindset that we grew up in. I am on the verge of realising the real meaning of life, and I really hope everyone who is reading this will get an "existential realization" soon and make an attempt to make life much easier and better with each passing day. Be "in charge" of your own happiness.






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