
Showing posts from 2012


VIOLENCE is something that i hate from the bottom of my heart!.It's something that everyone abhors, everyone wants to be at peace, whether it's their personal life or professional life.But, as we are humans so we cannot ward off violence, we keep on doing it on every other day.It could be any trivial thing that leads to the violence in our daily lives.It's in many different forms and sizes,verbal, physical, small and big etc but the abominable and disgraceful form of violence according to me is "DOMESTIC VIOLENCE" ( which is a very broad word ). Every one says that dowry, rape, sati , verbal abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, assault are the biggest evils which a women face in INDIAN society, but these are the narrow terms and these could be sum up into the two terrible words and that is "domestic violence" . It's the biggest evil that persists in our orthodox and patriarchal society.I think the synonym for women(in our society) could be this one


IS IT? What do you guys think? Is actually our bhaarat mahaaan? Or it's just the cliched line which every Indian somewhere use it innocently without knowing the fact that what dirt we have inside our country? But we Indians are so generous, we still manage to say "mera bharat mahaaan" .Anyway, one song was used to be my favourite and that was "hai preet jahan ki reet sada, mai geet wahan ke gaata hoon, bharat ka rehne wala hoon,bharat ki baat sunata hoon" (film: purab aur pachim(1970) singer: mahendra kapoor music director: kalyan ji anand ji, lyrics: indeewar) sorry for the details, I'm updating your knowledge!!!....So where were we? yes, so whenever I hear this song I get goose bumps, I fill with the sense of patriotism, and I used to feel really proud of my country(which is very mahaaan!).But later I detected something different and bizarre about my country that I never wanted to feel but couldn't help from doing so!.I want to throw some light on

I want a " WAR-LESS" earth

This topic was playing some games in my mind and when i went deep inside this game,i was so very agitated and i found that this game is really dirty.This is the first article that i'm writing in rage.I know i am too young to write on a vast topic like "WAR" , because i don't know why it happens? what are the reasons behind the curtains?,but at the same time, i am not blind and heartless to see its (WAR -man made disaster's ) consequences. Monday morning i was excited to surf some good stuff on internet, like good articles, good memoirs of renowned personalities.My eyes caught an article on a journalist who died in recent SYRIA WAR( some internal war is going on in this country). Whoever reads this article, everyone would blame god for her death but no one knows that it's not the fault of god, it's a "MAN MADE FAULT" and that fault is WAR.After reading this, i spun my mind and i recalled all the wars which i have heard and studied in school.I

"Sab BHAGWAAN ki maaya hai"

YESSS!!! Believe it or not "sab bhagwaan ki he maaya hai!" .I never gave a thought on this very true saying, but few days ago, i was incited to give it a thought and after giving it a brief thinking, i got to know that seriously ALMIGHTY is the CEO of the company which manufacture human beings.Do you want to know that who's the personality behind this(true) wonderful thought??of course it's not me this time.He's none other than.My societies RAG PICKER. I know it might have amused you, it does it to me also.Whenever he crosses the road and goes to get the litter( in two shifts,one is at 5 am in the morning and the second one is at 5 pm in the afternoon), he keeps on yelling these words "sab bhagwaaaaan ki maaya hai"(i wish i could upload a audio of his voice). For some years, when he used to say this line, i took it for granted, i ignored him as i thought he's mentally challenged and totally insane.One day when i met him personally, i got to know


Here is my another blog, which I think would be very interesting for you people to read it and you will definitely get interconnected to my thoughts in one or other way.This blog will make you feel that the books, movies, quotations, articles on incitement (to live your life to the fullest ) happiness,inspiration,motivation and stuff, sometimes it doesn't give you the proper picture of harsh realities and inabilities of life and nature.It includes an element of hallucination and to prove this, i have some very different thoughts which are paving their way in my mind everyday and it's disturbing me!.Few days ago, i watched the movie "zindagi na milegi dobara" and watched that song from golmaal 2 "jiyo to har pal aise jiyo jaise ki aakhri ho"and read one self help book  also.After listening to this song and after watching this movie (ZNMD) something attacked my mind. Before telling you this, let me tell you the concept of the movie,movie's concept was


Life has plans for everyone and it's very uncertain.As i am always very suspicious about the god's creation that how this nature works, what criteria does he set for every human beings life!? So i made an assumption that god has made accounts for every human being  alike we all have our facebook accounts but, facebook accounts are our own creation but the accounts which are being made by god is very unlike facebook accounts , in those accounts(god made) details of each and every living beings has been written by god like name, who will be his/her father, mother, siblings, friends, foes, incidents etc.But the most important thing is that god dropped living beings on this earth with BIRTH AND DEATH DATE tags too and no one knows about these two things (even astrologers can't predict this 100% accurately).It is something that god has personalized. We all have necrophobia somewhere ,but it's just a horrified feeling until we face it.               As i'm born in such