VIOLENCE is something that i hate from the bottom of my heart!.It's something that everyone abhors, everyone wants to be at peace, whether it's their personal life or professional life.But, as we are humans so we cannot ward off violence, we keep on doing it on every other day.It could be any trivial thing that leads to the violence in our daily lives.It's in many different forms and sizes,verbal, physical, small and big etc but the abominable and disgraceful form of violence according to me is "DOMESTIC VIOLENCE"(which is a very broad word ). Every one says that dowry, rape, sati, verbal abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, assault are the biggest evils which a women face in INDIAN society, but these are the narrow terms and these could be sum up into the two terrible words and that is"domestic violence". It's the biggest evil that persists in our orthodox and patriarchal society.I think the synonym for women(in our society) could be this one also -'SILENT SUFFERERS'(who suffers silently without complaining).(This is my dream also) Don't take me wrong, i mean to say i desperately want to do something lucrative for those women who are suffering from this internal disease called "domestic violence", i want each and every women to come out of the shackles of this horrible cage.Because women are also the creation of god like men, she deserves everything and every enjoyment of life, not only she's powerful than man(from every aspect), but also gives more things to the society unlike men.She's the maker of universe.Just because they (men) have "one weird shaped thing" in their body, they are considered superior, what the heck is this?!. We have more things then men, still everyone thinks that we are inferior?. We should get more respect then men.But this indian society(which we can re name as "male-dominated" "anti women society" "after 60 yrs of independence still a conservative society" ,"hypocrite society" etc.) can never change because of the attitude of people who lives in this highly conservative society.

MEN ARE THE COWARDS, Men is physically stronger then women, that is correct but why they use their energy in beating and harming women?. Is this the instance of their physical strongness?.Indian Men are the cowards in true sense.Because they think that women are their "pavn ki jutti". There are lot of instances where men think that woman is just a piece of shit which he got from any garbage and can throw whenever he wants.I have heard a quote somewhere 'A best gift a father can give to his child is to love his mother',but when the opposite happens, you can imagine what a kid might think and feel about their father and mother respectively.In our "full of morons" society if children are growing up by seeing their father abuses their mother on immaterial and petty things, they grow up with the same mentality as they have seen and felt and they don't respect women either.We live in highly hypocritical society.On one hand we worship "Ma Durga, Saraswati, Laxmi" and on the other hand they(men) beat and abuses their human faces.On the one hand they consider mother as the ultimate face of god and, in other way she's a useless being.

WOMEN IS WOMEN'S FOE, Yes this is correct, in our 'women degrades women society, if we are blaming men for "domestic violence" then this is partially correct, not fully, because they get this power from women herself .Women is the ultimate source of their power. In india husbands are considered as "GOD", and there's a song which is the ultimate source of sarcasm, but i also feel like killing the writer of this idiotic song and that is "bhala hai, bura hai, jaisa bhi hai mera pati mera devta hai". Stupidest song i have ever heard.But this song completely fits on the women of  the"husbands are the only source of happiness" society.Whenever these( coward men) do violence, they (women) bear that, and if any other women wants to raise her voice against this suffering, the other woman stops her for the sake of dignity, honor and pride of the family.'We prefer dignity over inner peace'. What a "woman is useless" society.So we can say that men are not the only accused in case of gharelu hinsa,women contributes equally to this crime.

So i just want all the women to raise their voices against this heinous crime, and don't degrade yourself and your  self respect, you came on this earth for not to suffer but to enjoy its beauty and its nature.You also have the same fundamental right "to live your life with dignity"(Article 21 of the constitution of india) like men have.If you ever face domestic violence, have courage to raise your voice against it, as more as you hide it, the more it will come to you.Whether you are a girl or a boy, it's the duty of every person to save the "beautiful creatures of god(women)" from this evil.If you make a women happy she will give you more love and respect than you have ever imagined.She's not a sexual object, she's meant to be loved and cared.LOVE HER, RESPECT HER.Don't consider her useless and weak.

This article is my first step towards saving women from domestic violence.......


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