I want a " WAR-LESS" earth

This topic was playing some games in my mind and when i went deep inside this game,i was so very agitated and i found that this game is really dirty.This is the first article that i'm writing in rage.I know i am too young to write on a vast topic like "WAR", because i don't know why it happens? what are the reasons behind the curtains?,but at the same time, i am not blind and heartless to see its (WAR -man made disaster's ) consequences.

Monday morning i was excited to surf some good stuff on internet, like good articles, good memoirs of renowned personalities.My eyes caught an article on a journalist who died in recent SYRIA WAR( some internal war is going on in this country). Whoever reads this article, everyone would blame god for her death but no one knows that it's not the fault of god, it's a "MAN MADE FAULT" and that fault is WAR.After reading this, i spun my mind and i recalled all the wars which i have heard and studied in school.I remember the following wars-First world war(1914-1918), second world war(1939-1945), GERMANY(holocaust,it happened during the second world war), INDIA-CHINA war(1962), INDIA-PAKISTAN war(several times), AMERICA- PAKISTAN war, middle east countries war, INDIA-BANGLADESH war etc.These were some wars which i remember at present but, there are infinite wars happened in the past, many wars are going on in present also, and surely future is also decorated with these kinda destruction.There's no end of this, and the funniest thing is that, after the war get over they get either of the following things "LAND, POWER, POSITION, EGO, REVENGE,HONOR OF THEIR RELIGION, MONEY",and for these things, they are ready to SHED BLOOD of humans, they don't mind.They(KILLERS) take people as a "whole nation" not as an individual.I don't understand even if they get all these things, will they get their people back?,answer is certainly a big "NO". People choose the people of their country to protect them, to save them from any hazardous situations, but what they do is , they broke their trust for the above mentioned things.I feel bad for the mothers, sisters, fathers and close ones of the people who died in WAR, and i hate it when i get to know that they were not at fault.The authorities wants their country to prosper and flourish,but at the cost of many lives? is it justifiable?.

Why can't we live in a WAR-LESS earth? why can't we just relax and enjoy the beautiful life? why can't we live as HUMAN BEINGS not as an INDIAN, AMERICAN. JAPANESE etc.Why don't people understand that life is more important then any other thing.If there will be a WAR-LESS earth, the earth itself would become a heaven .I am mourned for those people whose lives has been taken for granted and their sacrifice (which is a forced one) gone in vein.REST IN PEACE, i hope, all the souls (dead people) will get a war less earth next time if they get incarnation.


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