Here is my another blog, which I think would be very interesting for you people to read it and you will definitely get interconnected to my thoughts in one or other way.This blog will make you feel that the books, movies, quotations, articles on incitement (to live your life to the fullest ) happiness,inspiration,motivation and stuff, sometimes it doesn't give you the proper picture of harsh realities and inabilities of life and nature.It includes an element of hallucination and to prove this, i have some very different thoughts which are paving their way in my mind everyday and it's disturbing me!.Few days ago, i watched the movie "zindagi na milegi dobara" and watched that song from golmaal 2 "jiyo to har pal aise jiyo jaise ki aakhri ho"and read one self help book also.After listening to this song and after watching this movie(ZNMD) something attacked my mind. Before telling you this, let me tell you the concept of the movie,movie's concept was" to live your life to the fullest. never ever miss a chance or oppurtunity to enjoy, grab all the good things and never regret (katrina's dialogue after kissing hrithik "mujhe afsos karna nahi aata")". As i am very inquisitive(see my blog" what is god?) so there were lot of questions were popping up in my mind and when i gave a deep thought to this concept,again i was in super dilemma as one question raised in my mind(silly!!!).Can we live the life the way we want to live,even if we understood the concept of these theories( which are potrayed in movies, songs and books),still why i can't implement these theories in my life?. Yesterday i was feeling so helpless because even after knowing the fact that i will never get my" this" life again, i can't do anything to make my life content. BUT after a deep thinking i got to know that what is my problem, and my problem is INTERCONNECTION.

EVERYTHING IN THIS WORLD(some says it's beautiful and for some people it's hell!!!) is strangely interconnected.We even can't imagine that how much we are interconnected to little little things in our life.We don't even think of interconnection.Through my blog  i am introducing you people our biggest problem "INTERCONNECTION"(as i already mentioned). Why we have so many problems in our life?. We always wonder that why we aren't happy?. You people might be wondering that what i actually want to say?, i want to say that 'Every emotion is interconnected',whether it's happiness, sadness and others.In simple words you can't be happy on your own, other person might have done or said something to make you land in this position of being Mr happy or Mr sad.Ones happiness could be the reason of other persons sadness or happiness, if you're crying then there might be someone or something behind your tears.If  i think of living my life to the fullest and if i am doing all the bad stuff, which are supporting me to implement the aforementioned so called "live life king size" theories, but if my parents are totally against of those"which-make-me-happy" stuff (say boozing, relationship etc), even if i want to live my life, i can't and the reason is, if my parents don't like it then we can say our happiness is proportionate to my parents sadness and if i don't want them to get sad, then i have to choose one thing either my happiness or their happiness, as i am interconnected to their emotions,If my mother is not happy and i'm trying to make her happy ,but her happiness lies in someone else's and that someone else is not even bothered to make her happy,my happiness is interconnected to her happiness and hers is interconnected to someone else's.If she's unhappy then how can i sing "jiyo to har pal aise jiyo jaise ki aakhri ho?,if i have some very good news to be happy about, but at the same time my best /close friend is highly upset over some issues then, how will i be 100% happy? i am interconnected to his/her problems.If i am walking normally on road and if i would see a wounded dog lying there,why would i  feel a pinge of pain towards that dog, because i am interconnected to that dog as we both are created by almighty and we both are breathing ,so we are interconnected with our existence on this planet.Why i can't take my own decisions?,why i have to consult my parents when i know i will be happy with my decision?. Because everything is interconnected.Interconnection comes since we come to this world, we get interconnected to our MOTHER and we get interconnected to our fathers name and then slowly we get interconnected to all the smaller things in life without even realizing.

Hey guys,don't get me wrong that i am a depressed girl or highly cynical regarding life, but sometimes i seriously feel helpless because i AM interconnected to the emotions.For once i want god to break all the shackles of emotions and it's interconnection.I just want to break every relation only for a day, i just want to live for myself, i don't want to think about anybody,i want nothing but peace of mind only FOR MYSELF,i don't want name, i don't want caste, i don't want friends and family, i don't want anything but just AN EMPTY MIND for sometime.I don't know about the other countries and other cities but here, where i live, the problem of interconnection is severe, we have to think about society, family, friends etc before taking decision for our own happiness and that annoys me a lot.Anyway but ZNMD is a nice movie and i really admire its concept and i hope our future generation will break the interconnection rules and they will contribute towards a content and a very fulfilling society .


  1. well said n well explained.. yes happiness lies in ur innerself bt one can only feel dis by his/her surrounding.. surrounding can be in any form...ur relations.. ur work place..materialistic whom one is act INTER whom ur emotins are connectd.. gud job.. keep it up.. i love these ART OF LIVING kindo articles..


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