What Happens when a Child is born with Cleft Lip and Palate

CLEFT LIP! when we hear this word, what hits to our minds is "A CHILD WITH A DISFIGURED LIPS or VERBAL AND OTHER PROBLEMS DUE TO DAMAGED PALATE" ? isn't it? WHY It happens? Either it's a curse from GOD or just a deficiency of nutrition, scientifically. No one knows it .It's a common hearing that old people says it's a curse from GOD or else doing something impiety during pregnancy like "cutting of something with scissors" or "looking at eclipse" etc etc. And the science says "it's just the deficiency during pregnancy due to lack of nutrition". These are the some things which people believe regarding "cleft lip or palate". What that kid believes who is suffering?, that no one can think, how does it affect a child "mentally" or "socially" that no one even predicts, What they felt, how they think, and what they do? for this. here is the story of a girl who herself is affected by this and want to tell you (people) her experience regarding the journey of her 20 yrs life :-

" My name is aisha and i will be turning 20 this year,the experience of my life has been very good by far, but,one thing that always disturbs me is my "born defect" that is "cleft lip", that always stands me out from the crowd, i used to wonder that why GOD has given me this degrading curse? i am so good to people, i am very good girl, i never think bad about anybody then,why he picked me out of so many billion people for this ? do GOD hate me? or he's punishing me for something? or he's just making fun out of me? lots of questions were always hovered in my mind, whenever i used to see my friends with nothing on their faces, a wave of jealously always went from my nerves, i always felt "i wish i could be like them" so beautiful! so perfect! but god has not blessed me with that feel of being "perfect", but after one alarming thought, i stopped blaming GOD i started feeling that, if he had given me something, may be i deserve it somewhere, may be i have done something wrong in my previous birth so he reciprocated the crime, because personally PARENTS don't give punishments to their children unnecessarily, do they?no!, he really loves us, and whatever he's doing, doing for our well being. In my teenage i started feeling that i don't look that bad but guys you know! they don't leave a single chance to hurt people(girls), as i was a young girl i always dreamt of being beautiful as the other girls ,but few comments from people made me so down that i couldn't stop crying so many days! sometimes i felt so inferior in front of people,i was always interested in the activities which needs eyeballs to see like dancing, acting, speaking etc but, due to my scar, i always conscious about, that what people will say if they will see me closely, what they gonna comment on it?. People used to give me compliments but i always doubt them as they are making fun of me. Then i turned 16( sweet sixteen, sensitive age!) and major operation took place and i was happy as well as nervous, happy because "i'll be beautiful finally" but nervous, after all i am girl, it was the case of my face!. Everyone knows that what a beauty and face matters to a girl!. When i came from operation theater and saw my face, i was so frantic with disgust, suddenly an earthquake took place in my life, i was horrified after seeing my face, it was so swollen and whole world suddenly became bleak! i was so scared of being confrontation with people, and this continued for near about 2 years! but i consoled myself,for few days i was very distressed, i abused my doctor, i cursed him for this, again i cried, cried and cried but nothing happened, it was same as it was in hospital and then, a ray of hope came into my life and my scar was getting clearer and invisible, i was on the 7th cloud, i started feeling so beautiful!, and at the end of the year ONE BOY proposed me and i felt so feminine as beautiful( i wonder what a guy can do! he can do wonders to a girl), then i got so many compliments, proposals after that i started thanking GOD for this miracle, and then this thing continued, i'am so contented from all this now.After that one boy fell in love with me, he don't know what he has done to me, because of him i felt like that I'M A REALLY BEAUTIFUL GIRL and my misconceptions had gone.I'AM SO LUCKY, People with "cleft lip" always feel uncomfortable in going in front of people because they don't get good surgeons or they don't have much finance to get it operated or they face speaking or hearing problems but i am blessed ,i had never passed from any of these problems as i was so lucky!, GOD has given me great parents, friends, family and well wishers.I always feel that i am the most Luckiest person.I always say to people if you have something really good in yourself, even paralysis or any other defect can't stop you from achieving great heights, trust me, trust GOD ".

What an ecstatic story! i think aisha is very optimistic and very lucky girl, from her outstanding narration, i am overwhelmed and we hope that all the kids with "cleft lip and palate" will get good treatment and we wish they can live the life as aisha is living it.


  1. hmm...really nice and touching story but it seems like "Aisha" is not d one who has actually penned it down!! It seems to be a product of d author!!!
    So glad for "Aisha" but she has been very lucky from d start itself nd not just after d operation!!! bcoz if u see arround, dere r people who have problems dat dey cant eradicate!! and also hv no hopes 2 b free of dem!! So dey just hv 2 learn 2 live wid it!!
    So, acc 2 me aisha has been God blessed from birth!!!
    Good work writing dis one khyati!!!!


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