EMOTIONS :) :( :D :P :X :S :((

EMOTIONS! Human Body is made up of organs, bones, blood, cells, tissues, glands etc but, human figure is also made up of emotions, our life is sea of emotions, so deep, so complex,it's deepness has no end!.Emotions comes instantly sometimes, and sometimes one needs to show it,Every second our emotions changes with the happenings in our life. Some people are in habit of writing their emotions(novels, articles, blog,books etc) and some are in habit of speaking and some can hide emotions well but the reality is that no one can absconds from the web of emotions,sometimes this sea heals the disease, sometimes it makes you cry, sometimes it gives you the purpose of life, sometimes this is the way of getting someone!.
As there are three color are classified and that makes all the colors (RGB red green and blue) in this way EMOTIONS also has been categorized, like three (HSN happy, sad and others).All the emotions then further classified into various other emotions. Here they are-:
Who doesn't wants to be happy!? In our hearts we all have a thirst for happiness and we all wander to quench this thirst.You can buy/purchase anything from money but the the thing that you can't buy is Happiness",When a man has lost all happiness, he's not alive Call him a breathing corpse. ~Sophocles".To being happy is not a exercise of mind, it's a exercise of heart, and sometimes you have to struggle for your own happiness and sometimes it comes from the other sources (like other people, GOD etc). We can judge by seeing people's faces that whether they are cheerful or not.We can categorized into various other emotions. it's having so many other traits, for instance-:
1-Smile- when you smile, we can easily feel that you are very happy and merry, when someone loves you, that smile! when someone compliments you, that smile! smile on jokes, smile that lights up your face, smile when someone appreciates you, smile when you are in ordeal situation and then someone makes you smile, that smile!.These are some smiles that made you feel so happy and vivacious. :).There is quote regarding smile, it's one of my personal favorite- "A smile is an inexpensive way to change your looks. ~Charles Gordy".
2-laugh-Someone has rightly said that "laughter is the best medicine", whenever people laugh wholeheartedly, their faces gets lit up, some people tickled pink while laughing, some might get ROFL( rolling on the floor) or some people's stomach may get hurt while laughing.And that's the another sign of one's happy and joyful behavior.
3-Crying- It is very different way of showing your happiness but whenever we are really happy, sometimes the water from within gets comes out in form of tears, like you can take example of "winning of miss world or universe crown" generally girls cry due to boundless or unexpected happiness, when you misses someone so badly like hell and suddenly he/she comes in front of you, you show your happiness by crying.You may cry on unexpected situations in your life that makes you so happy sometimes.
Elements that might make you happy (positive)- getting gifts from someone, winning of some competitions, being loved by someone close, on very humorous joke, achieving of goals.
Elements that might make you happy (negative)-When someone like your foe is in pain one can feel happy, when someone looses something one may feel happy, when someone get insulted badly one may feel happy, when someone begs you then also one can feel happy!
SAD :( :(( :|

It's the second most common expression which occurs in our daily life, no one wants to be sad, but god balanced it by giving us HAPPINESS TOO, as there is very sensible quote "Happiness and sadness run parallel to each other. When one takes a rest, the other one tends to take up the slack. ~Hazelmarie Elliott (“Mattie”). Its a very general saying that god has given you misery in your life because he wants to make you feel time to time that he also exists!, because in sad moments we generally remember GOD!. As happiness it's also having so many traits like:-
1. Angry- We get angry only when we feel extreme sadness or thwarted, sometimes if we are not getting anything which we really want to achieve in our life so we become so restive or we get so depressed and that get converts into anger!.
2.Crying-It's the most common way of showing that you are very very sad, sometimes you can't control your tears and you end up crying.
3. No expression- Sometimes one doesn't show that he/ she is extremely sad, they just sit with a straight face with no expression to show that they don't want to talk to anyone.They just feel alienated from the world and they want to be isolated.
Occasions, when you feel extremely bad- loosing someone, scolded by someone, not fulfilling of objectives, get hurt by people etc.
Apart from these two expression they are so many others, they may be or may not included in these two(happy and sad) like jealousy,smile( formal),kindness,surprised/aghast,depressed, hyper tensed, scary, angst, mocking, tired, winking, giggling,romantic, seductive etc. These are expressions these are very basic which happens in daily like apart from happy and sad moments.
Sometimes we want to kick someone's ASS but still we manage to smile.
sometimes we are abusing someone from heart but, praising him/her in front.
sometimes we appreciate but at the back we laugh.
Sometimes you listening to someone without interest and you yawning or looking here and there.
By teasing others we get so happy..
SO we got to know that daily we do different tasks like brushing, bathing but how can we forget that daily we make new expression!


  1. hey nice one again.
    is this your hobby..? blogs @ 3:20 AM.
    nice dedication

  2. Rain is one of the most ROMANTIC WEATHER but if you have no one, that's so irritating :(( ?? ispe likhoge next?
    i can share my thoughts also..

  3. Hay thanks :) no it was just, here weather is really nice so just aise hee...:)

  4. very nicely formatted text!!! nd must say ur writing shows dat u hv a habit of writin down ur thoughts at dat moment itself!!!!or in ur terms "Live writing":P:).. liked d entire text but few of d emotions from d last set just grabbed my attention and got be imagining myself in such situations!!!! haha...lol..:):)

  5. Thanks sir, :D n yeah "funny emotions" are the best ones lol


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