Infectious Humor

                                People with a good sense of humor have a better sense of life

Yes that's right! Only that person can survive in today's world who knows how to laugh at themselves .Now a days frustration is steeping among the youngsters. It is the new trend, people forgot how to be happy, they find reasons to make their life more miserable and downhearted.In trivial issues in life they feel frustrated and stressed, they often forget that you only get life once, it is precious,so relish it. Sometimes in life i also feel that life is nothing but just a piece of blank old paper,which is about to get tear off and nothing important is written on it.Life seems meaningless.Whenever i feel stressed out i make fun of myself and situations i face in my life. I surf on internet and watch funny videos. I remember all those lame jokes which my friends and i cracked long ago, then i go and sleep with a smile and think that this is one of the most funniest day of my life that has again gone with the wind.

I love laughing at myself ,it makes me feel light about life and its issues. It is the best defense one can adopt to fight against any battle in life.Just take problems as a part of your life, it will come and go, then you will see that what wonders one can do in their life.I am not putting this point that one should not be serious in life, my point is that don’t let that serious things affect your body and brain in a severe way. Relax, hold your horses and have Godfidence.

Happy people are the prettiest ,smiling people have the most beautiful face, they don’t even need any expensive make up to lit it up. Never let the fun and happiness go away from your life. It makes you high. Let people guess that why are you so happy about, that will be exciting and make you a mystery. The best sound in the world is of your laughter, record it , listen to it again and again, you will realize how awesome you sound when you laugh, you will like it more than any of your favorite song. You will definitely fall in love with yourself as i am already in love with myself.

Even i get frustrated with my humor ,it turns out to be tumor so many times but i try not to hurt anyone.Try to bring humor in every situation whether it is a relationship ,friendship ,at home with your parents and even with everyone you meet and try to ease down the worst situations with your smile.Show to the world and life that you are stronger than the challenges which life throws at you, tease life with the fact that you are a strong person, life will get irritated and it will bow down to you. 

I suggest people to laugh at their break ups ,laugh at their stupidity, laugh at everything which bothers you but don’t forget to learn a new lesson with the situation which has devastated you. Never say bad words to anybody, keep saying the good and positive words because ‘ One kind word can warm three winter months’. If someone gets offended by your humor ,cut it again with the humor no matter how badly it may hurt you and apologize for it. Humor should not be offensive. Humor should spread happiness,it should lighten you, and you should laugh out loud so that everyone around you will hear your laughter and laugh with you.

Life is too short to be sad all the time.No matter what is cooking inside you, what monstrous problems you are facing in life, don’t let life know that you’re wretched because, life is standing in front of you to kick you so hard on the face always, so show it that how powerful your smile and laughter is ,kick back with a smile. Wipe off your tears and sorrows with a heavy doze of humor and happiness. Let show to the world that you're a warrior not a loser.

Yes people with a good sense of humor have a really better sense of life


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