Dissimilar Similarity

With every unpleasant experience in life ,some people becomes more emotionally stronger and on the other, there are some people who repel the human species. I think i am hanging in between these situations. I don’t know whether i became anti social or i understood that people won't understand ,so i stopped venting out my emotions to them. Meanwhile when this roller coaster is rolling in my mind ,God has made me meet two people of vast dissimilarity. One was the 4 years old (My friend’s little kid) and on the other one was the 64 years old, a retired school teacher( Whom I met while i was traveling) and they both gave me some priceless lessons for life .But I felt a very unusual connection and similarity between them .I felt the same comfort while talking to that kid and to that lady, felt the same happiness and felt like talking to them for hours. Then I was wondering what is the similarity between these two people who are so dissimilar and that has provoked me to think more about this surreal connection.

I went to visit my friend’s on new years ,when I woke up one day and saw that his baby (the 4 years old) was playing with bat and ball on the ground, I peeped through the window and I was looking at him .The first thing I noticed about him that he was playing all alone and he was giggling  ,and his concentration on that ball was very sincere and then suddenly he started laughing at himself because his ball fell in the mud.I don’t remember when was the last time I felt that happy with myself and enjoyed my own camaraderie .Then the another day I felt like playing and talking to him. I switched on the front video camera on my phone and i started taking his video, he knew it that the camera was on and I am capturing him.I asked him to say ‘I love you’, he knew the word properly but intentionally he was saying it “I Love lululululul’ and he laughed like laughing Buddha and his laughing sound was the best thing my ear has heard till now (I wish I could upload that voice here). His sense humor has made me laugh so hard ,I was looking at him and laughing. He hugged me, kissed me even after I scolded him.He doesn’t even know what are grudges ,abuses,killings and losing. He doesn’t know what heart breaks are, he is so happy and completely unaware of the world outside. I felt like to be in his company rather then of my friend’s .He taught me how to be happy without any reason;He taught me how to laugh like crazy;He taught me how to be happy with oneself.

Then I met this lady ,when I first boarded the bus ,i decided not to talk to anyone (as I have a very bad habit of making friends so quick) so I put my earphones on and i started listening to songs.This lady sat beside me,we didn’t talk for 5 minutes and suddenly i don’t know,we had this little interesting conversation and we hit it off really well.She was a retired school teacher,but not even for a single moment i felt that she is not a person of my generation. She was a great listener and she taught me so many happy things about life.The best part was that when i asked her that what was the best moment of her life till now? she said with a smile “Marrying my husband’ from the last 40 years. The most surprising fact that she was the first one in my entire life from whom I have heard this kind of an incredible opinion about marriage. She was so grateful for her life. Though she also had her own battlefields ,but she was grateful for that also.She is at that stage of her life where she is above all the fights, grudges and other evil things.She wants to spend the rest of her life gleefully.I shared my opinions related to relationships,careers and family as well and she listened to every word carefully.She taught me how to stay calm and relaxed in the worst situations in life.She gave me the lessons worth remembering and also some great relationship goals.

By meeting these two different people from different genres ,i realized that what is so similar about them? .Then i felt that both of them has the immense simplicity, calmness ,innocence ,happiness and contentment towards life .Both of them was above all the hate and the grudges.Both of them was full of life and positivity.

After that I realized that I am prisoned in my own life and my life is wrapped with so many unnecessary thoughts.Now-a-days every person you meet has something negative to say about everyone. People crib about everything.They are judgemental .In life by holding grudges  you will not get anything good,neither it will lead you anywhere.When you meet some really optimistic,energetic and positive people ,your whole outlook for life becomes positive.I am neither a  4 year old nor 64 ,but I want to learn that how can I keep my inner kid alive all the time and parallelly how can I act mature in certain situations like a 64 years old. Hopefully i will be able to balance this within my inner self forever and ever .


  1. Its all within us, we just need to give sometime to analyse about what makes us happy :-) your writing relate because you don't write for the sake of blog it just what you felt at that time or situation. keep the good work.

    Your Reader :-*


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