YES! Money can buy happiness BUT'

Let’s make a castle in the sky ! Just imagine you're sitting in a gigantic room where the walls are painted with your favorite colors and it has all the stuff once you have ever  dreamt to have in your bed room,like your favorite music system, food items, favorite movies ,favorite games ,million dollars,expensive furniture ,shimmering lights and ,all those other things that you relish are there with you which makes you high in spirits. This imagination must have landed you to that place where you want to go outright.Isn't it?

Now imagine a parallel situations with this above mentioned situation.You are listening to music (in that exorbitant music system), your favorite song and you're dancing on it, BUT, you're all alone.Now imagine that you’re eating delightful and delectable breakfast,lunch and dinner ,BUT ,you're all alone on the dining table? You have million dollars BUT you don't have anybody to enjoy your vacations with? What if you don’t have anyone to love you unconditionally?, You are non existent for people ,even if you die , you die like an animal, no body’s going to cry on your funeral, no one will remember you, can you live this kind of a life? Some people might say yes but on ground the realism is that we can live this kind of life for some days and years but not forever and ever. In this era where money is almost everything , people’s day starts with M and ends with Y, their whole world dwells between this word. It is the basis to respect and love people.Earlier I also had this discernment but as we know with every passing day and event in our life,everyday we learn something new which boggles our minds and hearts and changes our direction of looking at the things. Lately I faced certain situation in my life that has changed my perception about money and material things in life( No I have not entered into any kind of religious order).

I am a working woman and I am kind of financially independent.Though I don’t earn a very handsome amount but whatever I earn is just enough to fulfill my needs and desires. But  I have had a major emotional collapse few months before that I never imagined ever it to happen and the day it happened, the next day I have to reach office with all 'Not-so-happy-but-pretend-to-be-happy face'. But I couldn’t control my tears and wept in office like a baby. I was feeling lonesome,abandoned and tired, but, still somehow I managed my war of emotions.I was anxious and deeply saddened by this episode. I was kind of devastated but I gathered up some confidence and tried to cheer myself up, I talked to people (Friends) but when I went back home,the same nightmare was following me.It was terrifying me and was backing me like a ghost who is not rest in peace.I am very fond of clothes ,accessories,earrings,chocolates ,pizza and other stuff and I ordered every possible and affordable thing I like,to make myself feel well again but nothing could stitch my threads.I was self pleasing but nothing literally mattered ,all mattered to me at that moment was my world which was inside me which was completely broken and i felt someone twitched my soul brutally, somewhere I wanted to fix it but i couldn’t do it,i was helpless.

 I just wanted to be loved and cared only. I was ready to give as much the amount for love and care and if somebody will give me their shoulders to lean on, but unfortunately money can’t buy that,i can’t hug my bank account;I can’t buy people from it;I wanted to sleep in someone’s arms;I wanted someone to understand me;I want someone to kiss me, hug me; I want someone to say me that 'Everything is going to be all right' ; Just take all the money from me but I want to feel that i am important to someone;I want someone to bring flowers for me ;I want someone to get me my favorite ice cream;I want someone to leave the last piece of chocolate for me;I want my mother to be happy (It will be tantamount to the package of billion dollars) ; I want my family to be happy. But now even I have enough money in my bank account , I can’t feel the happiness from it or may be that money mattered to me only to live a happy, healthy and a dignified life only.

I want to be happy and successful but with the contentment ,not at the cost of it.In life really money never matters if you're having the peace inside your body's home and with the people you love.You can't work properly in your office when you have quarrels at your home or in your personal life. So i just want to say that YES! i agree that -Money can buy happiness BUT surely 'not for me'. I just want that amount of money in my life so that we don't have to beg people for money to fulfill even our basic needs.


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