Two different Worlds

Sometimes in the journey of this uncertain life we don’t want to be fake but every day we face different situations which judge our personality and eventually our behavior. Sometimes life makes you fake. Being genuine is so difficult even if you want to, it is not possible to remain genuine when circumstances in life are looking at you like devil with two red horns. From the last few days I realized that some people are not suffering from 'Multiple Personality Disorder' but they are  living in two different world with entirely two different personalities or we can say  they must be having ‘Life Personality Disorder’. This disorder is probably the most toxicated disorder out of all the the mental disorders we have. In other disorders we don’t know the actual suffering but in this syndrome we are very well aware about its consequences but we have to live with this syndrome. I met many people I have observed they are silently suffering from this disease. People live in two worlds, here how it is.I have taken the instance of a girl who is living in the two entire different worlds, here how she survives-

Firstly the girl is in a situation and in a place where she is feeling so relaxed and content, she has friends, colleagues, parents and everyone around her who loves her, respects her and she is all ready to face the challenges which are coming in her way with all sort of positivity ;She loves to motivate people,she loves to encourage them and teach them how to handle difficult situations in life with ease in their life;She loves when people loves her the way she does; Seems that she does not even know what is sadness in life ;She helps people ; People compliments her;She loves talking ,loves to make friends and have a good time with them;She’s ready to fight for good, stand for good and do and say the right things.In short She's all chirpy and fun loving kind of a girl who doesn't even know what hardships are? Is this the end of her story?.

Now the OTHER HALF of the same girl-

Then there is this another girl in her where she is like a lonely bird in the sky ;She’s all broken up, deviated from the work ,all lonely, desperate for a man in her life;She doesn’t like people anymore ;She doesn’t trust god ;She hates being around people who talks ;She wants to shut the door and wants to sleep in oblivion;She is anti-religious person;She loves to fight and to argue with people (Negative way);She loves to sleep so that people won’t judge her in her waking life;She wants to get alienated from the world, she wants to shift to another world where no one can disturb her;She says "I Quit"; She is no longer hopeful;She thinks that this is her life and here is the end;She is gaining the weight because of stress but she doesn't care about herself ;She is all LOST.

Just imagine how it is difficult to survive in two different worlds with two different characters to play,Sometimes we know this is not right but we love staying in that 'lonely zone'; She hates changes but she has to change herself every day;She loves to say what she wants, but Sometimes she zips her mouth;She is tired of two worlds; She wants to live in just one world where she could be happy and grateful to God;She wants to be beside nature,all genuine and with the optimism. She is in dilemma that what is her real self? The first half or the second half?

Now-a-days what I observed from the last some years of my life that people are not happy but they fake themselves.They smile but they have invisible tears in their eyes.They talk, but there is a sense of resentment in their words. Though we all know the good philosophies from the motivators around the world but still 'Self motivation' is the best tool to fight any cancerous situation in life. I hope that people will understand the more value of life rather being in a two different 'Not so' genuine worlds.


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