My Dear ‘Age’ – Please Stop!

The most  terrible part of our life is that our age is unstoppable, people age and they die,story ends,but I was thinking what if any miracle happens and we stay young and energetic throughout our lives?. People generally says that it is not about the age,it is about the heart being young,but I feel  that I want the time to stand still and I want to be of 25 years of age forever and ever.I get scared of ageing , the feeling of being in your 20 s is beyond explaining, it is unmatched and irreplaceable.The energy,the power,the feeling of conquering the world, obsession to win, fire which is boiling down in your belly,the hunger for physical love,all these have a different magic at this age and I don’t think it comes with any other age.

There are various reasons for that- First one is that,I want to fall in love as I fall in this age, those butterflies in the stomach;That happiness of seeing your crush standing ,feel like looking at him endlessly and the beating of heartbeats when he comes closer to you; That magic of the first kiss (Unfortunately I did not have that yet) but those magical fantasies are delightful;Those dramatic gestures; Showing of girly little things,wearing his baggy shirt and make my man laugh and smile at me;Trying of different dresses and continuous efforts to make your man fall for you ;Those stupid things with him,dancing ,making expressions ,fighting ,behaving childish is just incredible and these things will look really odd if i do it at age of 60.That’s why I am begging to my age - My Dear ‘Age’ – Please Stop!.

That feeling of conquering the world ;The fire in the stomach;That competitiveness ;That feeling when I lose a match and feel like defeating my opponent next time so hard. Whenever I see someone better than me, I just go home and try to figure out and try to improve myself next time. That feeling of accepting challenges and trying till death to prove that I CAN.The feeling of being the best among the rest. The feeling to live more and more and see the world.That’s why I am begging to my age - My Dear ‘Age’ – Please Stop!.

That healthy body and the endless energy with the glow on the face. We all have heard that health is wealth and this is the wealth of the adolescence. We are so fit and fine,we can run, we can jump, we can dance, we can do anything.We are disease free now, no tension of heart problems,no blood pressure, no diabetes , we can eat whatever we like without giving it a second thought. I want my room to be filled with the smell of perfumes rather than of the medicines. I will rather go to my athlete coach than to any doctor.No matter how much i live, how better i live , how good i eat, the health problems comes with the age and it will come.This is the reason I am begging to my age- My Dear ‘Age’ – Please Stop!.

I know what I written here is totally meaningless,neither god is listening to my nonsense wishful thinking nor he is reading my blogs ,but, I just wanted to give a message to people that they should realize that, how important this age is .We should thank god that he has given us the chance to see this age.People, please enjoy to the fullest ,live your life,have regrets,have guilt, have something so that you can laugh later on. This is the premium phase of our life. Just think –“We will never be young again.”


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