Rejection is the New Beginning

Rejection hurts us, it breaks us down, it makes you feel that you are good for nothing whether it is personally or professionally. Since childhood we are being taught to love ourselves; We are being brought up in a way that we start loving ourselves unconditionally; We become our own favorite; We think that no one can hurt us as we did nothing wrong, even if we did something, we tend forget ourselves so soon; we are so good with people, we think that “Hum bhale to jag bhala”, but it doesn’t hold true in today’s era where people are ready to make you their prey, they are looking for you with their deadly eyes like vampire’s. But as we grow up we realize that in the sea, we have sharks and whales all around and they are ready to eat us as soon as they see us or make plans to eat you indirectly. They are ready to bring us down because we are small and very good souls, they are hungry for us. Politics, heart breaks, betrayal, lies, back biting are common these days and we feel that it is the end of life, but let me tell it is just the beginning.

When we get rejection personally and professionally, our morals get down, we start doubting ourselves , our capabilities, we just start thinking that we are useless, we can’t do anything good with our lives. We go in depressions even if  we are only of 25 years of age.We have not seen the enough world, they start putting their status on social media about how broken they are, some put their statuses like – “i want to die”, i mean why?. You should thank god, at least he is giving you experiences.He wants you to find out your inner strengths.As we have heard that “God gives the hardest battles to his strongest soldiers”. We should cherish all the good and the bad experiences, it makes us more stronger and better and makes us ready for the battle field to fight more cautiously.

First let’s discuss about getting rejected by someone in personal life. Sometimes we love someone so much, more then ourselves, but that person seems not to care enough, they don’t love us back, we feel that where we lacked?, is there problem with our love or the with the way we love them?. We start thinking about our good things and feel that how can someone reject us?, but don’t think that you have faults, faults are in your stars, because right now they are might not be with you, the concerned person is not understanding the way you love, if your love is true, one day the person will miss your love and will realize it. But at that “one day” you will be laughing with someone else , with someone who loves you the way you want to get loved by someone, someone better and someone who is the best for you.You will look back and will realize that you were not rejected, but the other person was not worthy enough for your sacred love and care and that person was not in your destiny,you were trying for something that wasn’t for you. You can’t please everybody; You can only try and if you get fails to make people happy, then leave .Meet other people, as we have an advantage we live in the second most populated country in the world.

Now professional life, you might meet so many people in your professional life, who are so selfish, who are devils hungry for money and position.They are so degrading that they can go to any level for their desires and wishes. They will always try to bring you down and ultimately breaks you to leave the job or either makes you start hating your job, but wait, it is not that you can’t do anything, before leaving the job ,make him/her realize what he did, go and shout for your right, show him that you have a voice .And trust me you will get a much better and higher job where people will realize your actual worth. It is the indication that you are meant for some bigger place. Just behave the same as the person is behaving with you “ Give respect get respect”. The world is too big, find something else which suits your potential and re- start everything, but, this time in a more better and a nicer way.

So this the truth that “ Rejection is just the beginning of something good that is coming your way”. Destiny is something which is solely controlled by god , but he will give you what you actually deserve. Don’t blame the god for not giving you a particular person or job, because he thinks that you are better for something or someone else. Just have patience and see the magic. He will wrapping something really good for you.Trust me and he has already delivered the thing and it is on the way and that too free of cost.


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