WOMEN!! This five letter word says it all....This word is the epitome of power, sacrifice, love, care, and deepness.This word in not merely a word, it is that combination of five letters that creates the most beautiful and amazing creation of god.Often people says women are hard to understand, they are so complex that even god can't understand what she wants?, but as a women i only want love , respect , care and freedom, is this that difficult to understand?. No one can understand her deepness and her love,. Often women are cited as dumb, fragile, emotional and better at household work, WHY? even we all have eyes , hands, legs, and power to do anything, just because we have a pair of boobs and a organ which is unlike men, we are weak?? HOW?. She has the power to give birth, she has the power to bleed every month, she is more sensitive, she is more calm, she plays the crucial role in society more then men, her power is beyond reach, no one can even think of it, even then women are considered weak?. Today as a women i want to tell you some inner things that we want.If we get all these things, i do not think people will ever say that she is unable to understand.

Men are more thirsty for sex..is it? NO it is not true, women are equally hungry for physical love, even she wants it more then men, often in movies and in society, it depicts that men wants it more, but that's not the reality, the truth is, she wants the things equally, it is just the indians suppresses her needs under the umbrella of sanskar and maryada.Recently i was surprised to see one bollywood song which defines women's lust, that is from the movie- "AIYYA", song -"aga bai", that song depicts the true picture of women's lust  and very nicely and genuinely picturised,every women is a aga bai in her dreams.Why women is being always shown as a shy being, who scares from physical love initially, it is only because she is not at all exposed to this topic like men, that is the only reason, otherwise she is a wild seductress.Not only physical, she wants the emotional love as well, she wants someone to hear her pains and sorrows, someone who would supports them emotionally, women are very sensitive.Sometime they only need one supportive hand and after that they can conquer the world and can achieve greater heights.

"Give respect ,get respect" is one the best quotation, as it connotes the right thing. Here in our country, we always expect women to give respect to all but reverse they don't get respect which she deserves.Whether she is a daughter, daughter in law, mother,wife, she is supposed to give respect to all, she should be sanskari, there is no code of conduct for men, women are treated as objects here, sexual objects mainly..Cases of eve teasing , rapes, molestation, domestic violence are the examples of some of the evils that disrespects women disgracefully.We should all respect women.Why she should suffer? she is not destined to be a sufferer.She has the right to live peacefully and gracefully.

This word made me go back to the constitution which i have studied, it provides various freedom to the citizens of india, but here are some freedoms which has been snatched from women, there are so many women, girls who are more talented and having more potential then men, but they don't have freedom because families and society thinks that if they would give more freedom to girls , they would go on the wrong track and they will bring shame to family, they put restriction on clothing, education etc.I mean why?? why we have to live under restrictions, why cannot we fly?. In indian families, boys get the independence but girls are considered to be under care and protection because she is the "izzat "of the family, they don't want the women of their house to be independent, neither financially nor emotionally.Independence is very important, it teaches you so many things, freedom and independence are must for personal growth and development.This would help us to explore ourselves.

Generally in india, indian houses wives and mothers are treated as servants, not only as servants, more precisely as "unpaid servants" who gets nothing even after working the whole day long like a lobour.Appreciation is very important, it should be everywhere, it is not only for women, appreciation gives confidence to people and it will also make you feel good,but "SHE" needs it more.

Women should be set free like birds, their wings need power and encouragement.She can do wonders to the world, she creates the world, she can conquer the world.All she needs is these four elements and then see what she can do.I really want to thank god for giving me the best women of my life "MY MOTHER " and i have learnt so many things from her, i learned from her tears, her smile, her sorrows, her happiness, her expressions, and from every little thing about her teaches me so many things.This article is dedicated to her.


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