I am very excited to write this blog because today i am going to sum up all the things which i have learnt from the past 23 years of my life (though it is a very less time but, i am lucky enough to see some things in my life and that has taught me various lessons, now after passing through this, i feel that i am a better person now and want to tell you that how my life has a different meaning now and how happy i am after knowing and now i know the dynamics of life.There are 23 things which i have learnt and i have promised myself that i am going to implement this throughout my life and really want whoever reading it should also instill in his /her life.So here is the list of things:

1) Firstly i ll start with "EDUCATION",my personal favorite subject, from my past i have learnt that "education is power" and it really is, it is a weapon from which you can get whatever you want, most of the evils exist in society is just because of lack of education...By term education , i am not talking about only "academic qualifications" but also about "mental education". Degrees are nothing if you are mentally ill and do not know how to go with the world,If you don't know what is right or wrong, then what is the point of getting degrees.Education is about saying and doing the right thing at the right place.An uneducated person would always make himself and other people go into mud, from that you will only come out with dirt.Everyone should get a proper knowledge and education.Education will gift you confidence, sense of superiority, respect , knowledge , awareness,many more things.

2)Never disclose your weaknesses in front of anyone, because no one will understand your pain better then yourself and no human being is weak , it is just the state of mind...Weak are those people who thinks that others are weak.....Always make your negatives your positives....If you will think that it is your weakness, people will think the same...and will let you down....Don't let those unwanted people to make you sad..Show them that what you have and rock the world..and never share your family weakness with anyone as well..Family is the only thing that is yours, no one will support you in any condition other then your family.

3)Help people by "GIVING", you all might have heard that "joys of giving are more then joys of receiving", if you don't have money it is okay, but have compassion and kindness towards people, people are hungry for love not for money.For me giving is the best yoga and meditation, it would make your mind more peaceful then ever before.Give WATER , FOOD, CLOTHES, SHELTER TO THOSE WHO ARE NEEDY, then just enjoy that feel.It is heavenly.

4)DON'T be insensitive to people, never say or do those things which will hurt someone and will break them down.The people who do that are even not worth calling humans,because insensitive are animals.Before hurting people , just keep one thing in mind that what if someone will hurt you like this, before hurting people just make sure that someone is watching your bad deeds and you have to pay for it.

4)Listen to the breathing of people you love , i know it is quite weird but it the best feeling in the world that your loved one is alive.Just feel once that he/ she is not with you anymore how would you feel?, so hear the breathing. Do whatever you can do to make them happy, have photos with them , spend time with them, so that there will be no regrets later then.

5)Love someone unconditionally, though i always loved someone conditionally, now i wanna love someone without any conditions, life is too short to bind yourself.Go out and love. I wish, i ll get a person to whom i will love like never before.

6)Gift something to that person who needs it, whenever a person is sad, gift him something as a gesture of love, it will bring a smile on their face.That smile will worth million bucks...

7)Be a true and pure human being, never lie, after all truth prevails over everything.I have decided no matter how hard people will fell from truthness , i will never leave this habit of saying truth ever.

8)keep your opinions honest.

9) Hug people, it is one of the best gesture of love.Hug the people you love.It would give you immense pleasure.

10) Give your shoulders so that someone will cry on it.

11) Have faith in almighty, always thank him for what he has given you.Give thanks to him for giving you eyes, hands, ears and a healthy body..Just imagine what would be your condition if you would not have even one of these things.

12)Always forgive no matter how much people would hurt you, you are no one to give punishment, never take revenge because if you will take revenge ultimately it will not be their fault then, let the god decide something for them.

13)Religion should be HUMANITY no jain no muslim,no buddhism.

14)Anger is of no use, it only burns the relations, your body and everything else.

15)live your life with disciplines and rules.

16) Don't compromise when it is not needed.

17 Give motivation and encourage people.

18) You should be a great speaker.

19) Respect your elders and parents.

20)Always stand for your self and for the people who are silent sufferers.BE THE VOICE OF THE NEEDY AND HELPLESS PEOPLE.

21)Express yourself ,Express the love to the people you love.

22)Develop a sense of humor ,(QUOTATION: the people who have a great sense of humor has a great sense of life.

23)Do good deeds, because eventually you will take that with you after you die NOT the luxuries.

24)Don't get scared to voice your words when you know you are right.


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