After seeing the title, you people will definitely wonder that may be i 'm writing this article on
"computer virus" or any other virus, like which causes diseases and other infections.BUT,I'm not talking about those viruses(these two above mentioned viruses are curable). I'm talking about the virus which is spreading like wildfire in this "super cool generation" and once you get infected by this virus, it it not at all amenable .THAT IS NONE OTHER THEN "LIQUOR/ALCOHOL" AND his brothers "DRUGS". People of my generation thinks that it is a very cool thing to live in the house of these two brothers, it reflects your modernity , it reflects the western culture which people think that is the "developed one". Every youngster has a dream today that he/she wants to drink and get tipsy once in their lifetime(what kind of dream is this, i am surprised!), because according to them it relieves their tension for some moments and send them in the other "tension free world", they feel as if they are levitating and they feel that it is bliss( i mean they  forgot to face the real situations and taking these viruses as a cane to face it! ). I'm not against drinking but i hate those people who take it "without limits".I don't understand that why people take it, when i did the survey, i got some answers like this...some says, that it's a" peer pressure". Some says, it's the status because it reflects that you belong to some particular class,some says, they do it for recreational purposes,some says it relieves their tension,some says it's part of their culture,some says it's good  for health purposes,some says because we have some sorrows and happiness in our lives, some says it's new year /christmas , some says it's diwali, some says today is their b'day, some say it is pre- marriage celebration, etc.These are the numerous reasons for gulping this poison!.

But as far as i know, i ABHOR it whether it is good or bad , because i have always seen the worst site of it, i have seen homes are burning because of this. People who drink they tend to forget their families and make BOTTLE their family forever like genies.Secondly i have talked to my maids , they always say that "Aaj hamara aadmi bahut maara, kal daru peeke aaya tha" and literally i have seen the swelling on their faces, i mean what kind of behavior is that??, not only these people are, but also people from good and renowned families also into this, it is like a magnet, which attracts you and ,once you get attach to it, you can not detach yourself from its influence irrespective even if something horrible happening from it and destructing your life, and if you can not detach it, you will get far away from your families and from everything.Ironically, if someone talks "against" it," liquor lovers" converts into "liquor lawyers" ,they support it as if it is the holy drink and it is so sacred and make us feel that everyone should start taking it like milk and juices.In the families where father drinks , if children would see their father, either they start hating their father or end up start drinking it and the whole goodly environment of the house becomes hell.If you are in limits and untouched by its side effects, till it is alright, otherwise it the best toxicant in the world which consumes your body secretly and keeps you happy all the time.

But i really recommend people , especially youngsters not to touch it ever, EVER, it is not a good thing, it destroys so many things, though it is difficult when all people around you are forcing you to take it but ,you can simply stay at your morals,and today you might not realize what you did after leaving it, but when you ll be old and will see your life reverse, your life would be more better as compared to those who took it and ruined their lives, it is the most dangerous thing in the world if you get addicted to it.I really want govt to ban liquor forever.I know it is a wishful thinking.BUT i really promised myself, whatever would happen, i will NEVER EVER touch these dirty things. I will always teach everyone no matter how much fun they ll make of mine.LAST BUT NOT THE LEAST, just like advertisements, i really wanna write because it is truth.ALCOHOL AND CIGARETTE SMOKING ARE INJURIOUS TO HEALTH.BUT I SAY NOT ONLY TO HEALTH BUT ALSO IT IS INJURIOUS TO FAMILY, EMOTIONS, MONEY, MIND ETC.So i say to everyone , DON'T get infected by this bloody virus and SAVE YOUR LIFE FROM EVERY EVIL THAT IS INVITING YOU, SEE THE WICKED SMILE ON ITS FACE.


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