"I wish!" is a very common hearing every day, we all keep on saying it like an idiot , like " i wish to have that" " i wish my life could be like this, like that .You always wish to have a luxurious and comfortable life, isn't it??,obviously, everyone wants it, who doesn't want it??, you wish to have a good life partner, who doesn't want to have?, You wish that everything should be perfect in your life , who doesn't want it by the way?.These are the very very common/conventional wishes!.I have some really "OUT OF BOX "wishes.I intended to write this article because yesterday i wished something,which was out of my reach completely and i wish i could have "magical powers" to get it . I know you people want to know what was that!, but let me tell you, i have so many wishes like this, you people will definitely gets end up laughing . Here is the list, here we go :

1-I' am appearing for CAT( common aptitude test) this year, as you all know that, it is the most strenuous exam for becoming a highbrow MBA, so i was surfing something about CAT and suddenly by mistake i clicked the site of IIM AHEMDABAD (top most institute of management). Then i felt that i don't have that much potential to get into this prestigious institution, though i know it's not impossible but IT IS for me. So i was pondering that " when i will appear for this exam, i would be sitting on my "hot seat", while giving exam, suddenly GOD would come behind my back invisibly and he will tell me all the answers and in this way i can get into IIM'S without any efforts, hard work or energy .I know i'm not god's favorite child but still sochne mein paise nahi lagte.

2-I always wish to have a GENIE, i hope you all have heard about the famous CHIRAG of ALLADIN and his GENIE, when i was a kid, i always used to wonder that i wish i could have one genie, i thought of it because of my mummy daddy, sometimes they restrained us for giving something, which we really really want to have by hook or by crook like, (chocolates, ice creams,toys, car, want to beat brother/sister etc).But nothing has changed since childhood, i still want a GENIE, now i want it for bigger issues and real life issues. That are confidential totally. I WISH I COULD HAVE A GENIE.

3- Whenever i feel a loner or i feel distressed, i
need somebody so that i can talk to,though i have lots of friends and i also have a best friend but what if you feel pathetic at 1 o clock in night, you can call up your friends but what about when you need them in front of you so that you can cry on their shoulders?.At that moment your friends and best friends can't be there with you 24*7. So i always wonder that i should have one person like an ANGEL OR FAIRY OR SON PARI. So,whenever i feel miserable i wish that i would have a magic wand or crystal ball, i would use that wand and ball to call that ANGEL and she will come to me to resolve my issues and hurdles instantly. But again it's just a wishful thinking.

INVISIBLE FOR A WEEK, I seriously want to be invisible like MR INDIA for a WEEK so that i could hear all the things which people are criticizing behind me.Then i want to go to slums to see people's REAL and SORDID conditions that how they live, how they survive, what they do... EVERYTHING. I want to travel world free of cost, I want to beat my enemies, i want to steal chocolates from around the world, i want to kill all the criminals, i want to hug my crush without showing him, i want to steal lots of things, if once i start giving you the list of things that i want to steal, the article will never end.

5-I love acting, SO I WISH TO GET an OSCAR ."Abhi tak toh amitabh bacchan aur shahrukh ko bhi nahi mila hai" but mujhe toh mil gaya , IN DREAMS.I don't want to join film industry but still i want an oscar.

6- I want a MAGIC PENCIL( this idea came from a daily soap named "shaka laaka boom boom"). I want to get this pencil so that i can make everything i want to( waise i'm pathetic in drawing ). I used to wonder that what will be the first thing that i will made when i would get this pencil, so i thought of making a million dollar cheque with it and second thing i will made is replica of this pencil so i would have two pencils instead of one, so if i will lost that pencil i would have at least one left with me (baniya dimag).

In last i just wanna say that , i read this article again and i couldn't stop laughing on myself!. But there is a irony behind this article that, we all have and had wishes like this, these wishes seems really kiddish but it propounds some really true meanings, which is having a connection with real life.We all have broken hearts, unfulfilled wishes, breakdowns,failures, stress in life. So whenever we face these things generally we move to OUR OWN imaginary and fictitious world which doesn't exists in real but still we feel exhilarated whenever we go into OUR OWN world.Think about it,and if you are not interested in thinking so just read the article and LAUGH.


  1. :):) nice goin wid d article khyati...i m w8n fr ur insights on d wishes dat u told me earlier... D real ones... D one dat got me thinkin a lot...:D expectin 2 c a serious note 2 dis article in furdr continuation...:)

  2. Dis formattin of urs is sth i m really fond of!!!!:)
    talkin bout d text, i noticed sth while reading ur insights bout ur wishes..:P.. I realizd dat v all tend 2 wish for only those things that we know we can never achieve... Dis is becoz v all love 2 do hard work 2 c d fruits of our efforts bringing colors 2 our life BUT there r certain thns dat r not in our control...nd howsoever desperately v might want them but coud never achieve them by ourselves... nd fr dese thns v like 2 WISH nd wish so deperately nd so un-pragmatically just 2 make ourselves feel good!!! V tend 2 live in a parallel world, d world comprised just of our dreams 2 be happy nd not 2 stress ourselves wid d depressing feeling of not able 2 achieve sth we aspire for!!!

  3. hey nice article yaar......really enjoyed ur writing style..........waiting for ur next article..... :)


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