
Showing posts from 2016

My Simplicity is my Glamour

Our earth is the most glamorous planet out of all the planets in the universe.We have discovered so many things to ease our life and to make ourselves to look more ravishing and fascinating. Now a days we all have lights in the cameras ,everyone is ready with their poise and charm, they are capturing beauties everywhere, this is the age of vanity.Everyone can become beautiful with the money in their hands.Every person thinks that he/she is just perfect in their own eyes.Everyone has smart phones, it has filters and make up apps,from which they can make them 'artificially beautiful'.But what I feel is that beauty is beyond the external beauty ,it is your lifestyle,it is how you see the world, behave in the world and understand the materialistic things in the world,that what matters. I don’t think so that I require make up to impress my man, instead I will impress him by doing the make up of my thoughts and refine it with every phase and situation.I will impress him with th

'Love Exists'

(A heart rending message by a girl who has failed in love several times,but she stood up for herself,even after so many horrendous  experiences,she still feels that the 'love exists' and still dying for a fanatical love story.) Some People called me an ugly duckling, They say that I look ghastly, They don’t want to marry me because I can’t give them beautiful babies, I did not mind their words ,& I still believe that the   love exists, And it is somewhere beyond the external beauty, it is about meeting and mating of hearts, And there is someone who will come into your life, who wants his daughter to be your replica. Some people came into my life for a bit ,touched my soul ,ripped me apart, & promised me that they will stay, They disappeared forever like a shadow, But I still believe that the   love exists, It is not about coming back, it is about staying in your mind & heart forever. I have never seen many 'happily married cou

My Dear ‘Age’ – Please Stop!

The most   terrible part of our life is that our age is unstoppable, people age and they die,story ends,but I was thinking what if any miracle happens and we stay young and energetic throughout our lives?. People generally says that it is not about the age,it is about the heart being young,but I feel   that I want the time to stand still and I want to be of 25 years of age forever and ever.I get scared of ageing , the feeling of being in your 20 s is beyond explaining, it is unmatched and irreplaceable.The energy,the power,the feeling of conquering the world, obsession to win, fire which is boiling down in your belly,the hunger for physical love,all these have a different magic at this age and I don’t think it comes with any other age. There are various reasons for that- First one is that,I want to fall in love as I fall in this age, those butterflies in the stomach;That happiness of seeing your crush standing ,feel like looking at him endlessly and the beating of heartbeat

When life makes you talented

All of us are not talented or i would rather say “Born talented”. Some of us are just born ordinarily like everyone else in this world, we come on earth, grow up, earn ,nurture our families and then die, this is our whole life cycle. We think that we are accustomed, we have nothing special and unique especially when we see some such incredible talents hovering around in front of our eyes, they are ‘God gifted’, and that we can’t help it. Some are born with some disabilities, or i would say that god has already indicated that they are born special unlike the other ordinary people, if he has taken something from you, surely he has set it off at some other place, you need to find out where he has replaced it. What i am saying    is, it is not necessary that you need to be born with incredible talents, try different things everyday in life which will lead you to that path you never imagined of, by doing that you might come across some of your talents which you have never felt that you

Rejection is the New Beginning

Rejection hurts us, it breaks us down, it makes you feel that you are good for nothing whether it is personally or professionally. Since childhood we are being taught to love ourselves; We are being brought up in a way that we start loving ourselves unconditionally; We become our own favorite; We think that no one can hurt us as we did nothing wrong, even if we did something, we tend forget ourselves so soon; we are so good with people, we think that “ Hum bhale to jag bhala ”, but it doesn’t hold true in today’s era where people are ready to make you their prey, they are looking for you with their deadly eyes like vampire’s. But as we grow up we realize that in the sea, we have sharks and whales all around and they are ready to eat us as soon as they see us or make plans to eat you indirectly. They are ready to bring us down because we are small and very good souls, they are hungry for us. Politics, heart breaks, betrayal, lies, back biting are common these days and we feel that i