
Showing posts from May, 2015

"Behind Every Successful Person....There is a MOTHER"

(Though there are numerous articles on mothers, it is not a novel topic, BUT, today i am writing about “MY MOTHER”.Every mother is special, I adore all the mothers, all are so beautiful.I respect every mother and may god bless all of them.I wish and pray to god that all the mothers would remain healthy and happy and no child should be deprived of this 'holy and sacred love'. We are so blessed that god has given us mothers, ask those children who have never ever seen their mothers or lost their mothers,they don’t know what a mother is?, what’s her love feels like?. Thank you so much GOD for giving me my mother,I love you for that, she is the greatest blessing to me.) She is a bundle of emotions,sometimes she cries on petty things like an infant; Sometimes she laughs like a 'laughing Buddha' ;Sometimes she frowns like a 5 year old; Sometimes she is unable to express her emotions, I can see that helplessness on her face,I can see that innocence, and i smile

"SUICIDE- An unheard tale from inside the heart"

SUICIDE -   “killing oneself ”. Life is so precious, only the opportune gets a life of a human being, it is a treasure, we should nurture it ,we should take the best out of it, we are the only creatures who can talk, laugh, smile and can do work, but, some people don’t realize its importance then they  kill themselves and paint their hands with the red color, they take their own life, they take their life which is supposed to be taken by god.HOW AND WHY!!?. As i have recently heard that india is one of the most depressed countries in the world, it is not a shocker for me, if statistics are to be believed then estimated two lakh people commit suicide every year in india.Sometimes i wonder what it takes a person to play with his own life.In general, when even a small needle pinches us, we take our hands back out of stimulation, when someone hits us, we hit them back in self defense, human is so selfish that they love themselves more than anybody else in this world, they can’t let anyt

Marry, only if you love......

MARRIAGE is beautiful, BUT some people consider it as a life imprisonment and some might consider it as a cage which abridges their freedom,and it is natural that their liberty gets hampered, You have to change yourself even if you don’t want to, you have to get adjust to the things which you might not like, you have to share everything, your decisions will no longer be ONLY yours, you will be in a cluster of responsibilities, then you will have kids, more responsibilities and it will go on and on and on, never ending headache of your life, isn't it?(though I am unmarried ,but this is the piece of my observations).We all know commitment is tough, but we can look into the positive aspects of marriage and commitment which i felt.Firstly, marriage is not only about two souls getting together to enjoy the rest of their lives together, it is much beyond that, in young age we can live alone and we can have fun, but, as you grow older, you might face some emotional and physical turmoil