
Showing posts from January, 2016

Rejection is the New Beginning

Rejection hurts us, it breaks us down, it makes you feel that you are good for nothing whether it is personally or professionally. Since childhood we are being taught to love ourselves; We are being brought up in a way that we start loving ourselves unconditionally; We become our own favorite; We think that no one can hurt us as we did nothing wrong, even if we did something, we tend forget ourselves so soon; we are so good with people, we think that “ Hum bhale to jag bhala ”, but it doesn’t hold true in today’s era where people are ready to make you their prey, they are looking for you with their deadly eyes like vampire’s. But as we grow up we realize that in the sea, we have sharks and whales all around and they are ready to eat us as soon as they see us or make plans to eat you indirectly. They are ready to bring us down because we are small and very good souls, they are hungry for us. Politics, heart breaks, betrayal, lies, back biting are common these days and we feel that i